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Later when the astronauts returned, they were aboard a navy ship that came right down into Pearl Harbor.

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cheap canada goose uk I also remember a total solar eclipse around that time. We spent July 16th water skiing for hours. We were literally baked by the time we left the lake. We went to a relative’s house to watch the landing. They had a 19″ black and white TV with a snowy picture. Adults and kids were sitting both on furniture and the floor, as close to the TV as possible. There was a lot of talking as we waited for the big moment. Then you could’ve heard a pin drop. Did we know Neil Armstrong’s name that evening? I don’t remember. We were all in awe. Is this really happening? Some of us went outside afterwards and looked up at the moon. « They’re up there. Most of us were holding our breath the last minute. « The eagle has landed » was met with a mass « whew. » When Armstrong said his thing, twelve year old acience fiction science devotee me was thrilled but for the others It was oddly kind of anticlimactic. One brother (they are all older) said « so what are supposed to do clap or something? » If looks could kill. The day went into my books as the day that should replace July 4 as marking the start of what I expected to be a whole new world. I fully expected us to be mining the moon and casually going up to a space station city and that sort of thing by 2000 or so at the latest. But the country and the world largely lost interest after the big canada goose hybridge uk event. :(I was already married with two kids and working full time while slogging through grad school. Our apartment complex was full of grad students, many of them in math, physics, and engineering, so there was great interest in the landing among unusually knowledgeable watchers. cheap canada goose uk

I remember sitting on a crowded couch, in a crowded apartment (the one with the best TV), as we watched late into the night. There was major nail biting when they had to take over manual control of the landing. And when they announced that they had actually landed, there wasn an adult male dry eye in the place.