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buy canada goose jacket The idea that Pompey was in the pocket of the Optimates is absolutely laughable.He was pushed into an alliance with them after Crassus died and the Luca agreement fell apart, but to canada goose jacket outlet montreal suggest he was their ally prior to that is absurd and frankly, false. This was also an alliance due mostly to his ties with Cicero rather than the Optimates.I’d love to provide specific evidence but there’s such an absolute wealth of it across all of Cicero’s letters and the various Plutarch’s lives of the important figures of the late republic that I wouldn’t know where to begin.The only time prior to Luca that I can think of Pompey aligning himself even slightly with the Optimates is when they were pushing, along with Cicero to repeal the agrarian laws that gave Caesar much of his power and sway. This was largely due to the role that Crassus was playing in pushing Caesar and Pompey apart in revenge for his sidelining after the initial formation of the triumvirate.Caesar was a good general and a good politician.Pompey was a good general and a poor politician.Crassus was a poor general and a good politician.(Although I do think Crassus gets unnecessary stick for his generalship, he performed well in the civil war and well against Spartacus (people mistakenly attribute Mummius’ errors to his superior) but people only tend to remember your last campaign and that for Crassus, was Parthia.). buy canada goose jacket

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